Today we are excited to announce that our beautiful Villa Franca do Campo got a new electrical charger station for electrical cars.

São Miguel is a small island with a surface of 744,6 km². When you think about it is smaller than New York city.

With a population of about 140,000 habitants. The island is taking it seriously to become more eco-friendly.

Terra Azul has obtained this year a new electrical van in order to reduce carbon emissions. We use our van to provide a pick up service for our guests. But charging was always a bit of an issue.

Today the council inaugurated a new charging station in the middle of the village for everyone to use.

And we could not be happier!!!

Nuno and Nicole getting ready to be charged with energy.

This is exciting since being a green island is an important part of the Azorian politics.

Here are some photos of our crew members: Nuno our Skipper and Nicole our Vigia interacting with the Maire of Villa Franca do Campo.

Nicole- Vigia and Nuno Skipper talking with the council of Villa Franca do Campo about new sustainable transportation.

Hopefully more technology will allow us to decrease our carbon emissions as much as we can and find new amazing solution for our everyday life style.

Anaïs Builly

About Anaïs Builly

Anais Builly is Marine Biologist and Master of Biology, Ecology and Ecosystems, and of Bioproducts & Bioproduction of Marine Ecosystems, studied in France and South Africa. She is also Marine Wildlife Guide & Community Manager at TERRA AZUL. She is passionate about conservation of marine mammals, and loves being out in the ocean everyday.