Why do Whales and Dolphins strand? | WHALEZONE.TV S01 E06

By 02/12/2018WHALEZONE.TV

Hi everyone, welcome to a new episode of WHALEZONE.TV, which is now available on our blog! 

In this episode, Simone talks about the various reasons why Whales and Dolphins strand. These includes accidential reasons but also some techniques that they use to strand on purpose. Watch, learn and enjoy!

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Blood, Matt D. Beached Whales: A Personal Encounter. Sydney. (2012)
Cox, T M ; Ragen, T J ; Read, A J ; Vos, E ; Baird, R W ; Balcomb, K ; Barlow, J ; Caldwell, J ; Cranford, T ; Crum, L. Understanding the Impacts of Anthropogenic Sound on Beaked Whales (2006)
Geraci J.R. & St. Aubin D.J. – Effects of parasites on marine mammals. International Journal for Parasitology 17 (2): 407-414. (1986)
Joseph. L, Evidence from Strandings for Geomagnetic Sensitivity in Cetaceans. Journal of Experimental Biology.120: 1-24 (1986)
W. Richardson, Charles Greene, Jr. Charles Malme, Denis Thomson: Marine mammals and noise. Academic press (2013)


About Milou

Milou is Marine Biologist, and was Marine Wildlife Guide at TERRA AZUL from 2010 to 2019. She is from Holland, and is passionate about being out in the ocean with wildlife, informing visitors, and collecting field imagery and data for local Cetaceans and Sea Turtles Research & Conservation projects.