Hello everyone! Today the sky was more cloudy than yesterday, but we had animals waiting for us on the sea and so we went.

The sea was very calm, no waves, it was very relaxing…and then we saw a little group of Common dolphins and they were also very calm, we only could see the dorsal fins…they seemed almost “asleep” but in reality they don’t fully asleep.



Then we had another group of the same species but these dolphins were more active, they were socializing with each other, so we saw jumps here and there, flukes slaping on the water, dolphins passing under the boat and we could also hear the whistles.

I hope you had enjoyed! See you in Terra Azul 😀

Vanessa Costa

About Vanessa Costa

Vanessa is Marine Biologist and Marine Wildlife Guide and is responsible for Environmental Conservation at TERRA AZUL. She enjoys being out in the ocean with Wildlife accompanying visitors and collecting field imagery and data for local Cetaceans and Sea Turtles Research & Conservation projects.

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