If you are looking for a vast assortments of fresh, regional Azorean fruits and vegetables, Mercado da Graça in Ponta Delgada is the place for you!
The choice ranges from temperate zone products to typically tropical and sub-tropical goodies, depending on the season.
All year long you will be able to taste the well known local pineapples, ananas in Portuguese. Bananas, avocados, sugar-apples, goldenberry, guava are only some of the imported variety of fruits that thrive on the Island of Sao Miguel.
Special mentions for vegetables go to the great variety of regional potatoes, pumpkins and to the more exotic, but still locally grown, yam.
The historical building (construction started in 1848) also include the Ponta Delgada fish market, several butcheries and many stands dedicated to local cheeses, honey and oil.
Suggestion: visit it on Saturday morning when most of the stand are open and you can witness yourself this amazing place at its activity peak.