Today the sea conditions were testing our whale watchers patience. The wavy sea mad us all very wet, no one was excluded from taking a salty shower. I asked for every one to be patient since it was hard to see the animals. Fortunately our lovely whale watchers stayed motivated and happy till the end. Thinking we had pushed our luck, we started to head home, not shortly after, we received a call from our Vigia André , who gave us the location of one of the biggest pods of spotted dolphins that I have ever seen. On the boat there was a lovely 5 year old travelling with us that came from India, him and his family work as conservationist in their own country, regarding the fauna and flora from India. It was so lovely to see the look and excitement on his face when seeing the dolphins jump and swim next to boat. It’s innocence made the whole boat laugh through a very wavy sea and made it all ok.
I want to thank all the lovely people that came from every part of the world today to live a unique experience that I hope will remain with them forever. I would like to thank them for their patience and believing till the end that we would see wildlife.