Today was a hot day! but no hot day can stop our brave whale watchers of getting up early and enjoy the sea. The day started with a lovely travelling group of Bottlenose dolphins. Seeing animals travelling is always such a nice opportunity to understand how much the animals can travel compared to being in a small enclosure. We got a call of our Vigia (lookout) giving us the area of after 50 minutes a sperm whale would appear. The wait started and only after 10 minutes we were lucky enough to enjoy the relax male swimming at the surface. The big male, decided then dive and in doing so the spectacle always puts a smile on everyone’s face.
We knew it was time to go, we then came across the common dolphins who made us laugh and sigh with the words “Awwwww” . So as usual an emotional day in Villa Franca do Campo!

Anaïs Builly

About Anaïs Builly

Anais Builly is Marine Biologist and Master of Biology, Ecology and Ecosystems, and of Bioproducts & Bioproduction of Marine Ecosystems, studied in France and South Africa. She is also Marine Wildlife Guide & Community Manager at TERRA AZUL. She is passionate about conservation of marine mammals, and loves being out in the ocean everyday.