Today was a wet day! 😀
Among all the waves and spray, we had wonderful encounters with several groups of dolphins. Due to the weather conditions it wasn’t possible to take photos and we had to borrow from previous tours.
To start the day we had a huge group of Bottlenose dolphins, playing with each other, jumping and surfing the waves.

Group of Bottlenose dolphins / Tursiops truncatus

Bottlenose dolphin jumping
After a while, we continued to help Filipe confirm a group of Atlantic Spotted dolphins…but they found us! Soon after arriving to the area, a group of young Spotted dolphins approached us, jumping very happily! The rest of the group joined soon but most of the group was composed by young dolphins 😀

Juvenile Atlantic spotted dolphin
The common dolphins were also quite active, mostly engaged in foraging. They were fast swimming and for this reason were often jumping out of the water while dislocating from one area to the other in search for prey. The group included many young individuals with also newborns, which were very well synchronized with their mothers. The Cory’s shearwaters were surveying the area following the dolphins … as usual 😉
Tomorrow the wind is predicted to change its direction and to slow down a bit, so the tours are expected to be less refreshing 😉 Do you want to join us?