Today the sea was amazingly beautiful, the clear blue water allowed us to appreciate the spots on the spotted dolphins. These wonderful creatures always impress our whale watchers with their gracious jumps, synchronised swimming and charming attitude towards humans. Greatly social animals that put a smile on everyones face every single time they are seen at sea.

Waiting on the Northern bottlenose whale to come to surface, we got to know each other and understand the behaviour the wild animals, talking to our whale-watchers is always such a treat in order to share information amongst us. I like to think that just by this rare whale being in Azorian waters we are already lucky, since the last sighting of this rare animal was two years ago.

We suddenly were surprised by the presence of the really beautiful stripped dolphins, they ere so clam that this rare behaviour allowed all of us to really admire their stripes.

Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta)

The ocean also surprised us with a green turtle sighting.

A group of bottlenose dolphins was the last species that we saw during our tour. We can only be grateful of seeing species in our waters, I cant stress how lucky we are of having such rich waters that can harbour all of these amazing species.

Anaïs Builly

About Anaïs Builly

Anais Builly is Marine Biologist and Master of Biology, Ecology and Ecosystems, and of Bioproducts & Bioproduction of Marine Ecosystems, studied in France and South Africa. She is also Marine Wildlife Guide & Community Manager at TERRA AZUL. She is passionate about conservation of marine mammals, and loves being out in the ocean everyday.