Today was one of those days in which wildlife decides to show itself in its total magnificence and somehow craziness 😀 needless to say it was simply a perfect day. Both morning and afternoon where spent in the company of diverse life.
We had four baleen whale species in our backyard spanning over a range of sizes and shapes: the elegant streamlined fin whale, the bulkier humpback whale with its long flippers, the impressive blue whale and the elusive and quick sei whale.
The humpback whales did lift their flukes showing how different they can be, as one had a very white tail while the other had a almost black tail. We could also observe the long flippers underwater.
One of the blue whale in the morning was giving a show, resembling a humpback whale in its behaviour. It was raising its pectoral fin out of the water and slamming it on top of the surface, turning sideway and lifting the tail upside down, and eventually sliding into the deep showing the huge tail.
We were also delighted by the graceful common dolphins, which were in a playful mood and the groups included some really cute calves. They are called common, but to us they are really special! Today the loggerhead turtles were also around to steal a smile from us 😀
On our tours we also take the chance to collect any garbage we may find, let’s keep the ocean clean for our marine friends 🙂
Looking forward for tomorrow’s sightings!
- Upside down blue whale fluke (Balaenoptera musculus)
- Upside down blue whale fluke (Balaenoptera musculus)
- Pectoral fin of a blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus)
- blue whale pectoral fin
- humpback whale model
- Fluking blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus)
- Garbage retrieved from the ocean