This morning it looked like it wasn’t going to be the easiest day with our lookout Filipe asking for a few extra minutes to find some animals. The waiting definetily paid off!!
We started with a friendly and playful group of about 80 Common Dolphins swimming around the boat, surfing the waves and bow riding! 😀 Unfortunately it was a bit too wet for photos.
Leaving the Common Dolphins we got on our way to go meet a Fin Whale, or as we call them in Portuguese a ‘Common Whale’. Even with the waves getting in the way, it allowed us to have a nice look 🙂
Finally, to finish the tour we had a group of surfing Common Bottlenose Dolphins! About 30 individuals including adults, juveniles and calves put up a show approaching the boats and jumping between the waves. You can’t beat that!
Keep tuned for more news of our trips 🙂