Today we were tested by wildlife 😉 We first met a group of common dolphins which were busy feeding in association with Cory’s shearwaters, common terns and yellow-legged gulls, and possibly tuna fishes. We didn’t see these latter but, our skipper, experienced fisherman in his free time, recognized a typical movement of the water created by these fishes when foraging. These associations are always very dynamic involving highly coordination in movements occurring mostly underwater and for this reason not easy to detect and follow. So, we got to see some dolphins only when they were quickly leaping out of the water while following their little prey, likely mackerel or sardines.

Cory’s shearwaters (Calonectris borealis)

Common dolphin jumping in feeding mode (Delphinus delphis)
The whales were also going to “play some tricks” today! and despite being spotted by our lookout well before we got to the area, they decided to let us wait a long time before showing up. Eventually though we stayed with one individual which was resting close to the surface providing us with a beautiful sighting 😀
Thanks to our patient guests and to the whales and dolphins for this beautiful day!