Hello everyone! The tour of today was full of life!
We started to see a group of Bottlenose Dolphins, it was very dispersed. In the same area, our lookout saw Sperm Whales but the Bottlenose Dolphins kept trying to interrupt their socializing moments. After a few minutes the dolphins decided to go away and we stayed only with the Sperm Whales. They were at least 8 individuals, both adults and calves. It was amazing to see so many of them.
We also saw a fantastic group of Striped Dolphins with calves, always jumping around. Then we went to see the Fin Whales that our lookout saw. We started to look and then all of a sudden behind our boat we heard a big blow. A few minutes later we saw another 3 Fin Whales together with a little group of Common Dolphins. When we were leaving we saw a “Festival of blows”. 4 Fin Whales together with a juvenile and they were blowing almost at the same time. It was amazing to see all of the blows so close to us!