Have you ever set yourself on a long journey involving many tiring hours while driving? A stop over to the first gas station on the way might have sounded a good idea to rest and to have a snack.
This is pretty much what happens to our friends baleen whales visiting the Azores at this time of the year. They are travelling a long way from the tropical/subtropical waters up to arctic/subarctic waters and the Azores islands just happen to be in the middle of their migratory route. An oasis where they can find protection and food, basically a sort of gas station on an highway. So, it is not surprising we area lately seeing fin whales almost on a daily basis.
- Fin whale suddenly surfacing next to the boat (Balaenoptera physalus)
- Fin whale dorsal fin (Balaenoptera physalus)
- The light shadow of a Fin whale swimming just below the surface and easy to follow
- Frontal view of a Fin whale (Balenoptera physalus)
- Guests enjoying the Fin whale sighting 🙂
Today afternoon it was not exception, two individuals were resting and hanged around the boat for a quite sometime. The light shadows were visible every time the whales were exposing their right side to the boat, making it easier for us to follow. The truth is, there was no need to follow them as they mostly stayed in the same spot, while surfacing and breathing very calmly … a mesmerizing moment which made our day 😀