The Bryde’s Whale are one of the baleen whales that can been seen here in the Azores. These whales have a very unique characteristic, because on their head they have 3 parallel ridges instead of one like the other whales, which makes easier to distinguish from the other whales. Another way to distinguish them, is that they often arch their tails before a dive.

Bryde’s whale, mother and her cute new born 🙂
They have about 15-16.5 m in length, the female being larger than the males. The Bryde’s Whale feed on schooling fishes, krill, squids and planktonic crustaceans.
Another difference with the other baleen whales is that they don’t do long migrations, and so, they feed all year round and spends the whole year in tropical and subtropical waters.

Baby Bryde’s whale next to mommy.
So if you want to see these whales, come visit Terra Azul between May and October!