Today we were able to start the season for Swimming with the Dolphins. Together with the other boat we headed out and enjoyed the sun and the blue ocean.

Very soon a group of Common Dolphin surrounded our boat. They were feeding so they were quite activ. Not only the dolphins were moving a lot – also some Cory’s shearwater were flying near to the surface, observing the dolphins from the air.

The swimming with the dolphins was successful and everyone could take a look on them 🙂

The late afternoon tour was a surprise! After the wind calmed down we were able to start our trip. It was possible to observe a huge group of Bottlenose dolphins. As they were socialising, they were showing their beautiful gray body and white belly. You may know this specie from the movie flipper! These animals can grow up to 4 meters of length.



Subsequently were were able to find a group of Common Dolphins again. There was also a calve in this pod, what made the whole trip a little bit more special!

Here is a picture of our group in the morning!



Stay tuned for our new adventurs 🙂


Rebecca Galvan

About Rebecca Galvan

Rebecca was Guide at TERRA AZUL in 2017. She is now wandering the World and discovering new things! Soon she'll get back in touch to help update this biographical signature.