Hello whale watchers! We started the day in the best way…with a beautiful beautiful sunrise!
After the briefing we waited a few minutes and then we went to the sea. The species that we saw today was the Common Dolphins. Today the group was made by adults only and we could see that the majority of them was feeding. We could even see the little fishes jumping at the same time as the dolphins 😀 . Then we went to another location and we had Common Dolphins again but this time we had more youngs in the group.
On our way back we passed the lookout’s point and we took a really nice picture of the lookout waving at us.

Lookout’s point
At the end we went to the islet we also took nice footage.

Islet of Vila Franca do Campo

Islet of Vila Franca do Campo

Kite/Buteo buteo rothschildi