Hellos everyone! Today we had an amazing tour.
The day was really nice, warm and sunny, the sea was perfect and we had amazing animals.
The first species was a group of Common Dolphins. At the beginning they were calm but then they started to forage. We could see a lot of Yellow Legged Seagull and Common terns together with the dolphins eating the fish.
Then we went to another location to see a Beaked whale. This time we could see it a bit more, it went to the surface 3 times! It doesn’t look much but because this kind of whales don’t appear everyday and normally we only see them one time breathing, 3 times it’s good 🙂
During the tour we could see a lot of Loggerhead turtles and Portuguese man of war. One of the turtles was really small, maybe 10/15 cm, really nice to see.

Loggerhead turtle / Caretta caretta
I hope you had enjoyed, see you at Terra Azul!