Common Dolphins, Spotted Dolphins and Beaked Whales on 3rd of November!

It feels like iwnter is here, it’s cold, rainy and somedays very very grey… But we are still going out whenever the weather allows us!

Yesterday, on the 3rd of November, we spotted Beaked Whales, Spotted and Common Dolphins.

It was a really nice surprise to see Spotted Dolphins still here. Most of them already migrated and these one should be going anytime soon…

And for almost an hour we saw Common Dolphins feeding, and one of them gave us a show of jumps for about 30 to 45 minutes almost non-stop!! What a treat!!


Stephanie Almeida

About Stephanie Almeida

Stephanie is Guide at TERRA AZUL since 2013 and Operations Assistant since 2017. Contributed for several years on Data collection for MONICET – The Azores Islands Cetaceans Research & Conservation long-term monitoring project.