We never really think about what animals go through…

I would like to invite all our readers to really understand what it would be like to be a marine mammal!!!!

Today in our morning tour we found three different species of dolphins on our Atlantic waters. The first one, one of our resident species the Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis). The second and third, two migratory species; The Striped Dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) and the Atlantic Spotted Dolphin (Stenella frontalis).

We don’t really understand how special our ecosystems are, and how important animals are. We really don’t know for how long these animals are going to be swimming in our oceans. Please let you always be amazed by all animals small and big. As a marine biologist I feel lucky enough to be amazed by the smallest organism to the biggest one.

Our morning tour then ended with the sighting of a Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) another beautiful reminder of how special these animals are.

Loggerhead turtle

So another great morning in my favourite place on earth… in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

Anaïs Builly

About Anaïs Builly

Anais Builly is Marine Biologist and Master of Biology, Ecology and Ecosystems, and of Bioproducts & Bioproduction of Marine Ecosystems, studied in France and South Africa. She is also Marine Wildlife Guide & Community Manager at TERRA AZUL. She is passionate about conservation of marine mammals, and loves being out in the ocean everyday.