High swell today, we were literally swinging as the rhythm of the ocean was accompanying us. We were lucky to see a very nice Risso’s dolphin mother and calf couple. The two individuals were travelling at low speed and we could follow them for a bit. At moments, though, they were racing for short distances and likely taking advantage of the large swell. Not far from them, a young loggerhead turtle was resting close to the surface. We then tried to reach a solitary sperm whale which was performing long foraging dives. Despite our efforts we could only see the blow from distance and the time we reached the area it was already heading into the deep blue. We still did enjoy our tour. Nature challenges are only for nature adventurers and lovers! 😉
About Arianna Cecchetti
Arianna is a Marine Biologist and was Main Guide at TERRA AZUL since 2009, and Technical & Scientific Director until 2018. Originally from Italy, she sees herself more as a world citizen. Arianna deserves the very best, and we hope she can come back to share her passion for the sea with us again.
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