Today was a very adventurous day and we could experience all ranges of the Azorean weather 😀

To start we had a very nice group of Risso’s dolphins. The adults and young animals were travelling slowly and we could see them underwater due to their white coloration 😀




We left to go meet a group of Common dolphins that were playing around the boat but just a minute after we arrived we could hear Filipe, the lookout, on the radio “I have whales but you have to move now because the rain is coming!” so off we went. Surely enough, shortly after seeing the Sperm whales for the first time, Filipe announced we were on our own as the island was completely covered by dark clouds and rain! With a sunny sky in the ocean, we stayed quite warm enjoying the company of the Sperm whales 😀


Sperm whale with the island getting covered by the clouds in the background


The group of Sperm whales was spread out and always travelling slowly but we had the pleasure to accompany two females for a long time. They even got very close to the boat!



Sperm whales delighting the passengers


Two Sperm whales travelling slowly


While the whales were doing their short mid-water dives, a group of very active Atlantic Spotted dolphins decided to join the party and come to play around the boat. Today, they seemed to be particularly interested in playing with us when the boat was moving fast 😀

On the way back to the marina, we had to brave the darkness and go through the cloud that was covering the island…that ended up being a very wet but fun return with lots and lots of rain! Good thing we had some hot tea waiting for us 😉

Keep tuned for more news of our tours! 😀

Catarina Fonseca

About Catarina Fonseca

Catarina is Marine Biologist and was Main Guide and Technical & Scientific Director at TERRA AZUL from 2014 to 2017. She is dedicated, knowledgeable and a passionate friend to animals and humans. We hope she can come back soon to wildlife experiences with us. , and everyday works on ensuring the highest educational and conservation standards during spractice. She also contributes collecting Data collection for MONICET – The Azores Islands Cetaceans Research & Conservation long-term monitoring project.