Hi all!
This afternoon the Bottlenose dolphins were so enjoyable! For almost an hour they were bow riding in front of the boat, and we could see them extremely well under water, as it was the clearest, sunniest day! The water and sky were perfectly blue.
The group was very spread out, it must have been at least a 100 dolphins, up to as far as we could look. There were some giants which I assume were a couple of males, but there were also a few calves present.

Bottlenose dolphins – Tursiops
Everyone was enjoying, and we shared this happy moment with 2 small girls that came to sit with us on a special place in the most front part of the boat, where the dolphins were always surfing ahead. It’s an important message to show the youngest of our people that wildlife should stay wildlife, and we had a good talk with the young girls about many aspects of the dolphins behavior, as they were so curious to ask a lot of questions!
After a while we left the dolphins alone, and headed towards Ponta Delgada to find a Fin whale. Only today, the whale decided he/ she was not very interested to show off, so all that some of us got to see, was a bit of its dorsal fin. Well, that is nature, we just have to accept it, but luckily the dolphins were great today!
Who will predict what tomorrow brings? I want to give special thanks to Wendy, Claire, Ansje and family! For this memorable day, and they know why 🙂 Hugs, Milou