Hello beautiful people out there 🙂
This afternoon we had quite some wind from the east! So with no landmass to give us shelter, we had the full wild-Atlantic experience! Waves, splashes – and a lot of fun! I am so happy that I saw you all smiling! 🙂
So first we saw Bottlenose dolphins this afternoon. It was a small family of maybe 7 individuals (I was so much into talking I even forgot to really count them!). It was lovely to watch the family – especially as they had a very small juvenille with them! The mother always made sure she would stay in between the boat and her little one – aaaaw!
After we reached the maximum time that we can spend with a species, we made our way to eastern waters – against the wind, full in the waves, but so much worth it when we arrived!! The common dolphins sprang towards us in long jumps and from that moment on it was pure joy! So much movement, so many bodys! I tried my best with the small camera that I have (at the top of this blog) – I hope you guys were more successful haha! 😀
I loved the time that we spend with them and although I have seen the coastline often – its still beautiful so see all the beaches and rock formations on the way back. Thanl you all very much!!