First Sperm Whales of the Year!

Hello everyone!

Today we had to wait a little bit at the base, but as soon as we got the news from the lookout we went to the sea. On land the sky was grey but a few miles away we had almost a blue sky.

After a one hour driving the boat, we finnaly get to the location and we found a juvenile of a Sperm Whale. After a few minutes the whale dove. When the skipper looked back we found 2 more Sperm Whales and on the last part of the tour 2 more joined the group.

Vanessa Costa

About Vanessa Costa

Vanessa is Marine Biologist and Marine Wildlife Guide and is responsible for Environmental Conservation at TERRA AZUL. She enjoys being out in the ocean with Wildlife accompanying visitors and collecting field imagery and data for local Cetaceans and Sea Turtles Research & Conservation projects.