Today on a hot summer day, sea conditions could not be more wonderful.
Not only was today a day, where after whale watching one can go relax at the beach but also sightings were crazy..
The first encounter of the day with sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) was with a mother and calf. A few sighting this year of that sort always are welcoming news since this means that sperm whales are reproducing and the outcome is positive. The mother dove and the baby calf was circling the boat. Just being a curious baby like most mammals are.
At surface only the juveniles remained. The sperm whales were all spread out. Which makes sense since when you need a Ton of squid a day, it is always best to hunt alone than with your family, increasing the chances of a good hunt.

Two sperm whales(Physeter macrocephalus) going for a deep dive.
We navigated further out, when Nicole, our look-out said over the radio – ” Guess what guys , I have a surprise for you “. She had indeed, at the surface she had spotted Pilot whales (Globicephala spp.) just resting, like they always do. But no matter how calm these huge dolphins are always like a symphony when breathing at the surface. We decided to see if we could hear the Pilot whales echo-locating and to our surprise we could still hear the sperm whales clicking. Just so you guys know the sound of a sperm whale is a loud sound that can travel a few kilometers distance in water.

Big pod of short finned (most probably) Pilot Whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) logging at the surface.
During our tour we were also able to see a small pod of Bottlenose dolphins (Trusiops truncatus) resting and then disappearing into the great blue.
On our way back to the coast we had another Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) crossing our path before disappearing in the deep.
We are ready for more summer days like this one and hoping to see you on our next tour 🙂