The day started with the wonderful Sperm whale group from yesterday. They were very close to where we last saw them and apparently didn’t move during the night.
According to the lookout there were about 10 whales in the area but 3 were very close to us the whole time. And, once again, they had a very special treat for us: a nursing calf about 3 meters from the boat! The water was so clear that it was really easy to see it close to the mother 😀

Sperm whale mother with its calf
We still had time to see a calm group of Risso’s dolphins and the big group of Atlantic Spotted dolphins that our Swimming tour had spent some time with.

Adult Risso’s dolphin

Atlantic Spotted dolphins with lots of little calves
Although a bit windy this morning, the sea was near flat and a very strong sun came out! We swam with a very nice group of Atlantic Spotted dolphins that was interested to come near us while feeding 🙂 The group was huge and must have been over 150 animals.
During the rest of the day the “menu” stayed the same with, of course, the addition of Common dolphins 😀
Keep tuned for more news of our tours!:)