A whale like a Killer Whale, but false! This whale certainly share some characteristics with the Killer Whale, but they show differences and are…
A whale like a Killer Whale, but false! This whale certainly share some characteristics with the Killer Whale, but they show differences and are…
It’s no surprise that animals adjust to the surrounding environmental conditions. For example, the sea was a bit choppy today, and the ever so…
False Killer Whales are about 6.1 meters long. As they belong to the group of the toothed sea mammals (Odontoceti), males are bigger than…
Our day started with a friendly encounter of our resident species Bottlenose dolphins and Common dolphins. Also in the afternoon we were able to…
At 9h in the morning we spend time with 3 fin whales, 2 adults and 1 calf. They were not on the run for…
Today was a dolphin day 🙂 During the morning tour we saw common dolphins and again false killer whales. Yes, false killer whales actually…