Hello Whales and dolphins Watchers!
How are you ?
Today we had an amazing morning on the sea! We were lucky to meet again Sei Whales (Balaenoptera borealis), a mother and a calf together! They are already here since a few days already! We hope they they will continue their mirgation to the North of Europe, where they need to reach the cold waters to feed a lot, also called “feeding station”! To be ready in autumn to migrate back to the south of the North hemisphere!
The 2 Sei Whales were very close each others and started to speed! Maybe to travel out of the Azores? Let’s hope for them !! 🙂 We decided to leave them doing what they have to do, and we had an encounter with a pod of Common Dolphins (Delphinus delphis), and then with Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)! They are both residents species in the Azores. They stay in the Archipelago all year!
We wish you a lovely week end!
Take care of each others and take care of our Planet!