Sunny days of Autumn are here and with them a slight breeze!
One may not really feel like going to the ocean for a swim unless you are dolphin, like the Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus) that were sighted today along with the Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis).
Two resident species of Azores !!!!
Risso’s are one of my favourite dolphins they are not only spectacular to observe under water but also when coming up to surface and showing their round shaped head colored by marks of adventure. Why am I saying this ? Basically we get wrinkles you see… I wish we didn’t but aging is a natural process that is present in every single living being from bacteria to whale.
So Risso’s dolphins with age and due to social interaction between other Risso’s dolphins get scratches that slowly colore them it even leads them to having white head. Sometimes people who go on whale watching for the first time might confuse them with Belugas, no harm in that but Risso’s are not completely white and also belong to a different family of cetaceans.
So if one day you are lucky enough to see the Risso’s dolphins please pay close attention to their behaviour and unique body coloration.
Common dolphins are as I like to call them the “Four colored dolphin “, always so pretty!!!
Here is a little picture for you guys to enjoy.