Another blog relating our adventures has to be written, to describe to all of our readers how things evolve every single tour.
Why write a daily blog you may ask ? Well as you you may already know, every single day it’s different and relating our experiences can help one understand how whale watching works.
We started our morning by observing a group of Common Dolphins (Delphinus delphis). Spring is slowly arriving and with spring for many animals, it is the perfect time to mate in order to insure their genes to be transmitted. Basically im describing the behaviour of the group of adult dolphins that we encountered were doing, if you get my drift.
So after spending the amount of time allowed with a cetacean by law, it was time to search for something else, since our lookouts were not observing any other species around.
We navigated and were always very aware of our surroundings in order to find another species while on the boat.
We were closely getting to the end of our tour when we sighted a small group of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus).
Since it is not a secret that many of our guests are expecting to sight whales rather than dolphins, I always believe that whatever we encounter is mesmerizing, especially since this last year Common Dolphins were victims to commercial fishing in the Atlantic ocean so it is important to remember that animals are amazing and the ocean has many wonderful things to offer.
I am happy that our guests understood that and enjoyed our tour with promises of discovering the ocean in other parts of the world in a sustainable way.
So happy Monday to everyone since here our Monday was pretty cool.