Striped Dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) porpoising. Photo credits to Paulina Kalita.
The sea was flat, the sun was shining and we had a lot of species around.
What more can we ask for?
The morning started with a beautiful sighting of a baby and mother Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus). The animals were very relaxed at the surface before diving and echolocating when the hydrophone (special device to detect underwater sound) went in the water.
Not even a mile further away we saw three other Sperm Whales. It were two adults and one more calf.
It was incredible to observe so many animals in the water and to know that babies are around and growing into healthy juveniles. They ended the sighting with a synchronized dive. Amazing to see 3 flukes next to each other!
After this we navigated into a pod of Striped Dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) and Common Dolphins (Delphinus delphis). This is the second time we observe the two species in same feeding grounds, swimming together. The group was so big that at least 300 dolphins were in the water, socializing. The view of the Northern part of the island was the perfect setting and the sun allowed us to observe the difference between the two species.
In the afternoon trip our guests also spotted a massive male Sperm Whale and a group of Common Dolphins.
We were even lucky to spot Short-finned Pilot Whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus). These round shaped headed dolphins are night feeders that enjoy very much to hunt for different species of Cephalopods, better known as squid. They usually rest and socialize during the day, making it easy to observe their size and coloration when staying at the surface. These animals form very strong social bonds. This is one of the reasons the pod is always resting together and diving at the same time, making it a beautiful behaviour to observe.
See you on our next adventures!