Common, Bottlenose, Striped Dolphins…and a Spermwhale!

Hello whale watchers!

On the last 2 days we had a lot of species to see 🙂 ! We could see in one tour 3 species of dolphins: Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Striped dolphins. The Bottlenose were really nice to see, they were very active, maybe socializing. We could see some of them swimming sideways with other dolphins.

Then we spotted a group o Common and Striped dolphins together! The Commons were closer to the boat and the Striped a little bit more further, always swimming quite fast! Normally it’s hard to see the Striped dolphins because of their evasive behavior but this time we could see them well!



Sperm Whale / Physeter macrocephalus

The Sperm Whale showed later on. We could see the amazing tail, since it went for a deep dive!

Vanessa Costa

About Vanessa Costa

Vanessa is Marine Biologist and Marine Wildlife Guide and is responsible for Environmental Conservation at TERRA AZUL. She enjoys being out in the ocean with Wildlife accompanying visitors and collecting field imagery and data for local Cetaceans and Sea Turtles Research & Conservation projects.