The East wind was blowing and slowly the waves were getting bigger, but none of this mattered. The tour started when we encountered the beautiful pod of Common dolphins, it was the same pod that we saw yesterday. The young Common dolphins were hunting and learning to coordinate as the truly master hunters they are when finding fish is at stake.

Not far away four beautiful Risso’s dolphins were spotted by our lookout, the scene of the mother with her round white head and her grey calf was beautiful. Risso’s dolphins can be very shy. The most interesting when whale-watching is admiring the animals, and understanding the different behaviours they have.

Risso’s dolphin diving in the deep (Grampus griseus)

We navigated East, seven miles off the coast, we were looking for a blow, the wind was blowing as well. Our patient and excited whale watchers were able to admire one of the third biggest rorqual whales in the world. The Sei whale, Sei whales migrate from cool sub-polar waters to tropical semi-tropical waters. So this individual was traveling through the Azores. It is an endangered species, rare and beautiful to observe. So nothing less to add but, East wind you may blow but the Sei whale blew our minds !!!!!

Anaïs Builly

About Anaïs Builly

Anais Builly is Marine Biologist and Master of Biology, Ecology and Ecosystems, and of Bioproducts & Bioproduction of Marine Ecosystems, studied in France and South Africa. She is also Marine Wildlife Guide & Community Manager at TERRA AZUL. She is passionate about conservation of marine mammals, and loves being out in the ocean everyday.