Hey, hey dear whale watchers,

today in the morning we had Sei-Whales in the area. Two individuals diving and coming up at the surface always next to each other. They were both traveling and we could follow them for a while. They showed us their really nice falcate triangular dorsal fins which almost look like the crescent of the moon.

Sei whale passing next to our boat (Balaenoptera borealis )

Afterwards could witness a real feeding spectacle! We were almost participants in that spectacle! In the air, there were around 100 Cory Shearwaters mixed with some Seagulls and even Common Terns trying to find the best piece of fish. In the water, there were probably the same amount of common dolphins pushing the fish up at the surface and feeding on them. Neither the birds nor the dolphins took care about us and were just focused on filling their tummies! It was really espectacular how both species were feeding together, taking advantage of each other!

Common dolphin and Cory’s shearwater foraging (Delphinus delphis and Calonectris diomedea borealis )

Maria Mallet

About Maria Mallet

Maria is student an Bremerhaven university, she is fascinated by the ocean & loves diving. Joined the TERRA AZUL team as Volunteer Marine Wildlife Guide in 2018, we hope she can get in touch soon to visit us and share updates for this profile.