Today it was just one of those magical mornings, we started off less than a mile of shore.
The first sighting of the day were the Common Dolphins (Delphinus delphis), five of them swimming in order to find fish. But guess what at the same time there was a rainbow overlooking one of the hills of the island. What a sight, only in Azores you get rainbows and dolphins.
But unfortunately not all is Rainbows and dolphins, we were very impressed when coming across some Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), the oceanic kind meaning that they were bigger than the coastal pods.
After further analysis of the pictures on seeing them we noticed that they were skinnier than usual. I would like to use this opportunity to invite people to think about their fish consumption. Overfishing is one of the biggest problems that our oceans are facing. I always like to say that we should be lucky to go out and see animals no matter if its a dolphin or a whale. Our oceans are in crisis and one of our duties as citizens of the world is to take care of our ecosystems, one way to decrease the impact is by buying only fish when one is close to the ocean from local sources.
The dolphins are gonna be fine and we can only hope that our friends find fish and get their bellies full. This is not an easy subject and especially for marine conservationist as us to address such a subject but I do believe it is important to inform our readers who are passionate as us about the consequences of human activities have on nature.