How can we measure whales and dolphins? | WHALEZONE.TV S03E06

Hi everyone, welcome to a new episode of WHALEZONE.TV, which is now available on our blog! In this episode, our PhD Lorenzo explains How we can measure whales and dolphins. Watch, learn and enjoy!

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Christensen, F., Sironi, M., Moore, M. J., Di Martino, M., Ricciardi, M., Warick, H. A., . . . Uhart, M. M. (2019). Estimating body mass of free‐living whales using aerial photogrammetry and 3D volumetrics. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10(12), 2034-2044. Durban, J. W., Moore, M. J., Chiang, G., Hickmott, L. S., Bocconcelli, A., Howes, G., . . . LeRoi, D. J. (2016).

Photogrammetry of blue whales with an unmanned hexacopter. Marine Mammal Science, 32(4), 1510-1515. doi:10.1111/mms.12328



1)Whale Photogrammetry by the GEMM Lab at Oregon State University

2)UAS overflight of gray whale and photogrammetry methods by the GEMM Lab at Oregon State University

3)Game of Drones: Soaring to New Heights for Antarctic Whales from WWF-Australia

4)Blender Humpback Whale Modeling by CG Dive

Lorenzo Fiori

About Lorenzo Fiori

Lorenzo is Main Guide and Technical & Scientific Director at TERRA AZUL. He is originally from Italy, holds a PhD about behavioral responses of humpback whales to swim-with-whales tourism activities in Tonga.