TERRA AZUL COVID-19 Support Information
We are always open for bookings and all tours are back to normal, fully compliant with local health authority requirements and international recommended guidelines. Regularly updated preventive procedures in place to ensure health and safety for visitors and staff at all times.
Staff fully vaccinated and regularly tested.
Alcohol-based hand sanitizer provided throughout, free of charge.
Online booking and advanced payment recommended – booking and payment is made simple. Just go ahead and book. You will receive an online payment request with your booking confirmation. When making payment include your booking reference where appropriate.
If you feel sick, fever, sore throat or cough, please stay where you are and contact us as soon as possible for advice.
Contactless Payment Available (depending on your location)
Credit Cards – VISA, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, Diners, JCB, Discover.
Bank Transfer (may require 1-5 days for completion).
Gift Vouchers can be (purchased and) redeemed online.
Contact us if you find any difficulties.Cash over the counter can be accepted if no contactless options available.
Latest Azores Islands Travel News
Currently there are no travel restrictions for visiting Azores Islands.
Public transportation or places maintain regular disinfection and preventive measures.
Airline Companies gradually resuming with significant price reductions.
Flight restrictions reassessed regularly by local health authorities.
Up-to-date Official Azores Islands Traveler Links
Azores Islands Tourism Bureau
English: Recommendations for a safe trip to the Azores Islands
Deutsch: Tipps fur eine sichere Reise auf die Azoren
Français: Recommandations pour un Voyage en toute Securite aux Açores
Português: Recomendações para uma Viagem Segura aos Açores
World Health Organization
Azores Islands Govmt. Health Authority
English: Flight Risk Assessment Questionnaire
English: Information on traveling to Azores Islands
Português: Local COVID-19 status updates
Português: Informações de desembarque
Português: Local COVID-19 case count live ticker
English: Disembarkment information
Deutsch: Information nach Landung
Français: Informations de débarquement
Castellano: Información de desembarco