False Killer Whales in front of Vila Franca do Campo!!

False Killer Whale/Pseudorca crassidens

What an amazing surpise we had yesterday afternoon!! Our Lookout Filipe spotted False Killer Whales right in front of our beautiful Vila Franca do Campo.

These species can be seen here in the Azores throughout the whole year. And yesterday was the first day of this season that we spotted them.

False Killer Whales can reach 6 meters in lengh and can weight up tp 2000 kg. Their body is black, long and slender .They are known for their speed and agility!

Although their name is False Killer Whale, they are actually large dolphins, belonging in the Delphinidae Family.

What a treat it was to see them! 🙂

And here is a picture of the Bottlenose Dolphins we also spotted on this tour.


Bottlenose Dolphins/Tursiops truncatus

Stephanie Almeida

About Stephanie Almeida

Stephanie is Guide at TERRA AZUL since 2013 and Operations Assistant since 2017. Contributed for several years on Data collection for MONICET – The Azores Islands Cetaceans Research & Conservation long-term monitoring project.