After a month without seeing sperm whales today was the day! and what a day 🙂

There was a group of about 10 socializing individuals, with one spyhopping once and others rolling on body. While rolling it was possible to see part of the tails. At the end of the encounter one individual showed the fluke in a sort of dive, however the tail was not completely vertical, indicating the dive was likely a short one and not for foraging. However, in the afternoon the whales were showing the fluke in a proper way.

The morning continued to surprise us with two blue whales foraging together with a fin whale and two additional fin whales approaching Terra Azul boats before diving. We ended our tour with a nice group of bottlenose dolphins close to Vila Franca do Campo. In the afternoon we had again blue whales and common dolphins.

Here is a picture of a friendly group from Switzerland who joined us on a private tour during the morning and from their smiles seems like they really enjoyed it 🙂

What are you waiting for? Join us!


Arianna Cecchetti

About Arianna Cecchetti

Arianna is a Marine Biologist and was Main Guide at TERRA AZUL since 2009, and Technical & Scientific Director until 2018. Originally from Italy, she sees herself more as a world citizen. Arianna deserves the very best, and we hope she can come back to share her passion for the sea with us again.