Orcas… That’s it… No words to describe it!

I have no words to describe this moment. We all in the team don’t! Except for AWESOME and AMAZING!!

Out of the blue today, our lookout Filipe spotted Orcas! And off we went to see them!

It was a group of about 10 Orcas, with Females and Babies, Juveniles and at least 2 Males. The males are very easy to recognize in this species: they have huge and very distinctive dorsal fins (one of them is on the right side of the picture above!)

Even the crew that was on land got on TERRAZUL II and went there to see them. It was a very special occasion and everyone had to just go see them! 😀

Orcas/Orcinus orcas

Orcas/Orcinus Orcas

Orcas can reach 8 to 9 meters if Males and 6 to 7 meters if Females.

To see these is extremely rare! So we all have smiles ear to ear on our faces today! Some of us even cried! 😀 Of happiness of course!

Stay tuned for more updates on our tours! 😀


Stephanie Almeida

About Stephanie Almeida

Stephanie is Guide at TERRA AZUL since 2013 and Operations Assistant since 2017. Contributed for several years on Data collection for MONICET – The Azores Islands Cetaceans Research & Conservation long-term monitoring project.