Hello !
What a wonderful day we had today !!! The Ocean already knew what we was going to meet, but for us during the brienfing it was still a surprise to come !
- We were driving off shore to meet some Spermwhales, and on the way we had a fast encounter with a group of bottlenose dolphins. Just after, 6 Beaked Whales surprise us very close to the bottlenose dolphins! They breath a few times very close to us !
At this time we realise how lucky we are to be on board this morning!
But… Nature was keeping another surprise for us…!
- After watching Spermwhales resting & diving, Our lookouts announced us that they have a group of Northern Bottlenose Whale!!
-Yes, it is really true, Northern Bottlenose Whales! “
So we drove slowly to them, and we had an amazing sighting, 6 Northern bottlenose Whales feeding at the surface, and diving at around 10 minutes, and feeding again…. !!! It was a unique time ! It is quit rare to see thoses whales in the area, so we were very very lucky!!
- On the way back we listened at the Spermwhales and at the Spotted dolphins with the hydrophone! It is always a “new word” that open to us when we can hear them! They is always so much to dicover and it is what make our job so excited and different every day !
When you share Happiness, Happiness growths ! Thank you to all of you to trust in us and be present!