Every year the Azorian People participate in the “SOS Cagarro” initiative. The program aims to preserve the Cory’s Shearwaters species nesting in the islands.
“Cagarro” is the Portuguese name for the Cory’s Shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea) a marine bird of the albatross family named after the American ornithologist Charles B. Cory.
About 65% of the world’s population nests and breeds here with over 180 thousand couples during the nesting season.
The program involves the population on the nine islands, by alerting to rescue young birds of the species that fall from nests. Every year it is estimated more than 3000 birds rescued. A total of 169 organizations and more than 4000 volunteers are involved. The event is celebrated across the archipelago with several educational actions. Schools receive “SOS Cagarro” kits and Nature Watchers teach students how to handle the endangered birds.
Adult Cory’s Shearwaters spend most of its life at the Ocean coming ashore to breed in late summer. Young Cory’s Shearwaters leave their nests in October/November to their first transoceanic flight. Most birds migrate into the Atlantic as far north as the south-western coasts of Great Britain, Ireland and Iceland.
Today was the first TERRA AZUL rescue of the year. We are proud!