Hello Whale-Watchers! The past November has been quite crazy weather-wise in the Azores but still, whales and dolphins were encountered and quite close to…
Hello Whale-Watchers! The past November has been quite crazy weather-wise in the Azores but still, whales and dolphins were encountered and quite close to…
Hello-Ween Whale-Watchers! Time to honor our ancestors and to have a look to cetacean sightings in São Miguel Island in October 2020. Also this month…
Hello Whale-Watchers! The beginning of the Autumn season brought to São Miguel some unstable weather but did not prevent Terra Azul boats to go out…
Hello Whale-Watchers, As we leave another month (and Summer!) behind, it is time to wrap up what we have been sighting out there on…
Hello Whale-Watchers! Time to recap what Terra Azul has been encountering out in the Atlantic Ocean in these summer months! As we resumed our…
Ola’ whale-watchers! Time to open our doors again and recap what has been spotted around São Miguel Island in the last ‘unconventional’ months. That is,…
A rarely seen True’s Beaked Whales (Mesoplodon mirus) pod come at the surface near Terra Azul boat. Hello whale-watchers, Even in these hard…
An adult Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physalus) emerges next to Terra Azul boat. Hello everybody, the longest February is over and it is time…