The month of September has brought some very interesting sightings and here we review our best moments out in the ocean 🙂
Overall we observed nine species, of which seven toothed (Sperm whale, Short-finned pilot whale, Risso’s dolphin, Common dolphin, Atlantic spotted dolphin, Bottlenose dolphin, Striped dolphin) and two baleen whales (Sei whale, Bryde’s whale). The most frequently sighted ones were the Atlantic spotted dolphins and the common dolphins, followed by the Risso’s dolphins. Sperm whales and sei whales also recorded a remarkable frequency in our encounters (see the graph below from the Monicet platform)

Sightings map for September (source www.monicet.net)
Sea turtles were also recorded, but with less frequency than usual, while Great shearwaters sightings increased, especially at the beginning of the month. In many occasions we had the chance to observe flocks of Great shearwaters with just few Cory’s shearwaters in between. This is not surprising given this is the time for the Great shearwaters to migrate and pass by and stop here to rest and feed before continuing their journey. By the end of the month the Cory’s shearwaters were already retaking their “pole position” 😀

Close up of a Great shearwater
Among the best moment of the month we cannot forget the five Sperm whales with a Sei whale hanging around our boats in a calm blue sea on a sunny day.
The mother and calf Sperm whale jumping out of the water were also a highlight of the month

Mother and calf Sperm whale breaching
Lastly the hundred of spotted dolphins encountered throughout this month have been probably the most entertaining part of our tours 🙂
October already started in a great way. Let’s keep enjoying together our blue backyard 😉