This morning we spotted Fin Whales, Common Dolphins a little Loggerhead Sea Turtle!

On the photo below we can see two Fin Whales, a mother and a baby. Baby Fin Whales are approximately 6 meters long when born and weigh about 2 tons. The gestation period is in between 11 to 12 months.

Always fills up our heart with joy to see a baby whale!


The always fun and playful Common Dolphins bow riding our boat TERRAZUL I.


Loggerhead Sea Turtle/Caretta caretta

Loggerhead Sea Turtle/Caretta caretta

And the cherry on top of the cake: a little Loggerhead Sea Turtle!


Stephanie Almeida

About Stephanie Almeida

Stephanie is Guide at TERRA AZUL since 2013 and Operations Assistant since 2017. Contributed for several years on Data collection for MONICET – The Azores Islands Cetaceans Research & Conservation long-term monitoring project.