A beautiful Thursday morning with sun shine and excited guest on board.
We started off with a pod of Common Dolphins (Delphinus delphis) feeding on small fish, we were enjoying the sighting so much, but received a call to navigate to the East side of the Island.
Our lookout Nicole sighted 3 miles out of the coast line, flukes tail slapping the water. She excitedly communicated the information on the radio for us to navigate to the area.
When we arrived we sighted 3 beautiful Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), travelling at 5 knots.
We believed due to the size that is very likely we were observing two adults and one juvenile.
The whales dove and after the amount of time authorized to remain with the whales we navigated back to our base.
While on our way it started raining but we did not care, it was all worth it.