Greetings nature people,

The Sea can be so charming and enchanting with its dark blue coloration. Here, it gives a very calm and relaxing vibe with view over the island of Sao Miguel on one side and a glimpse over the beautiful islet of Vila Franca on the other direction. And then, suddenly, at the horizon, a blow appears. That’s when you know that you will capture a very special moment.

Like mystical animals coming up from the deep ocean, Sperm Whales (Physeter macrocephalus) need to resurface to breath and recharge themselves with oxygen. That’s when the magic occurs and that we are actually able to observe them. Nevertheless, these moments can be very short in time as the whales might dive back into the deeps for some additional ” breakfast squids”.


Spermwhale blowing (Physeter macrocephalus)


It is also always a joy to watch the Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (Stenella frontalis) having fun around our boats, surfing the waves and giving the impression of having endless energy. Even more so, when some juveniles give us the opportunity to watch their crazy acrobatics.


Pod of Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (Stenella frontalis) surfing the waves next to our boats.


The Atlantic Ocean has a lot more to show, stay alert for our next posts.

Aurora Crucianelli

About Aurora Crucianelli

Aurora Crucianelli is an Environmental Biologist with a Master’s degree in Oceanography. She loves the sea and likes to scuba dive during her spare time. She also worked as a science teacher and enjoys educating people and share her passion for the ocean and wildlife.