The start of today was grey and cloudy but the animals didn’t feel grey at all 😀
The first encounter was with a very active group of Bottlenose dolphins that were very busy playing with each other. Even the Swimming with Dolphins tour got to the spend an amazing time with them!

Bottlenose dolphin waving

A wild spectacle for our swimmers by Bottlenose dolphins

Bottlenose dolphins socializing
One of the dolphins even decided to shower everyone onboard by jumping very close to the boat!

Bottlenose dolphins running after each other!

Jumping Bottlenose dolphin
After, we were very happy to meet our friendly mum and calf Bryde’s whales very close to the S. Roque islet 😀

Bryde’s whale calf seems to be getting bigger every time

Bryde’s whale mother and calf
Later on we met a couple of Sperm whales, 1 huge male that showed its fluke and 1 female that came so but SO near to our boats! First she went only 1 meter away from our TA III boat, then turned, and made her way straight for the TAI boat. She passed only 2 meters away from the back and it was a spectacle to watch.

“Hello Whale watchers!! Nice to meet you :D” A very curious sperm whale!
We were also able to observe a large pod of Common dolphins and a really calm and curious pod of Risso’s dolphins involving many calves with mum’s.

We stay as a Risso’s family 🙂

Mother and baby Risso’s dolphin freshly born
Be with us for your next adventure at sea 🙂